Winsport Academy Player
Personal method

Individual development

Winsport Academy offers programs for the individual development of an athlete: personal training in football, and in other sports areas.
On our site, you can purchase online courses in various directions from improving your physical conditions to improving the psychological level of a person. All courses are compiled by professionals in their field and take into account the development of a young athlete.

Our team, in addition to the development of personal qualities, offers services in player analytics, creating a football player’s CV for further career presentation, and comprehensive management of an athlete with an annual report on his sporting achievements, personal portrait, and comprehensive growth.


Tournaments and camps by Winsport Academy always have bright impressions of the sport. Register for our events and you will get a new experience, maximum productivity, and maximum positive emotions.





WinCup –means good rivals, cool trophies, individual awards for players and coaches, prize draws and lotteries from tournament partners for parents and tournament participants, and of course a pleasant atmosphere at the tournament.

Winsport Academy organizes tournaments
under the slogan #respect the game, instilling in young athletes respect for the sport, opponents, referees, and fans It is important for us to educate a young athlete not only as a great player but also as a person.

camps WINCamp

WinCamp – football camps in Estonia, as well as abroad, aimed at improving the individual skills of an athlete.

To organize the camp, Winsport Academy cooperates with foreign and Estonian specialists in the field of football, physical training, psychology, and other aspects related to sports.

About us


Никита Легостев
    Никита Легостев

    Родитель игрока

    Узнал о проекте WINSPORT ACADEMY от нашего тренера в команде моего сына. Записались на тренировки и нам все нравится. Ребенок больше времени проводит на футбольном поле, и в играх чувствуется, что у него добавилось уверенности. Мой сын играет на позиции нападающего, и я вижу как на тренировках WINSPORT ACADEMY с ним работают специально над необходимыми ему навыками.

    Vladimir Vassiljev
      Vladimir Vassiljev

      Главный тренер Nõmme United

      В современном футболе очень важную роль играют индивидуальные навыки игрока. Тренер любой команды хочет видеть у себя технически развитого игрока, который может в одиночку решить исход матча. Очень здорово, что такой проект как WINSPORT ACADEMY дает возможность молодым футболистам развиваться и повышать свои персональное мастерство.

      Aleksandr Dmitrijev
        Aleksandr Dmitrijev

        Бывший игрок сборной Эстонии

        Очень интересный в спортивном плане проект WINSPORT ACADEMY. Прекрасно, когда есть такие организации, помогающие юным футболистам и спортсменам дополнительно развиваться, набирать физические данные, а также развивать свои технические умения. На таких тренировках приобретается необходимая уверенность для игрока. Желаю воспитать как можно больше сильных спортсменов. Удачи!

        Learn with us


        On the Winsport Academy website, you can find articles in the field of sports education, psychology, and a general understanding of sports.

        We try to contribute so that every member of the sports community has a better understanding of the sport and can practically apply their knowledge.
        Including on the website Winsport Academy, you can register for online courses and seminars for personal development.

        Articles and news

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        and our partners

        Team WINSPORT

        In this section, you can learn more about our team of specialists, as well as find a coach for yourself in other sports areas.

        In addition, with the help of our partner, you can get access to an extensive database of sports clubs, events, and facilities throughout Estonia


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        Training equipment of Winsport Academy

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